Friday, 20 June 2014

Rock Goddess.........

Good evening all,

As promised I have managed a quick project before I go on holiday.....

Well actually it wasn't very quick, I don't work quickly, creativity takes

it's own time.

This rock thing that I have going on at the moment is great! I have an

endless supply on the beach nearby and I find myself picking them up and

seeing possibilities. So brace yourself, there will be more!

How about "Rock Goddess"

Actually in this case two rocks.

I love these colours. ( Fresco Finish Acrylics Blush, Antarctic and Rose, with a bit

of London Bus. The figure stamp is by Pam Carriker.)

A word about photographs. I am no photographer (surprise) and am hopeless with

computers. I take the photographs with my I-Pad and they go through a cloud (no

idea!) and straight into my computer :0.

I spend AGES wandering round the house, project in hand, trying to find good

light. All the photos for this blog were taken at the same time of day in the same

room but in different places. See the difference.......

Thank goodness for these light evenings.

Back in a couple of weeks.

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